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Frequently Asked Question about Epic Medical program offering
General Questions
  1. What individual products are available?
    There are three types of medical products available for individuals. A. Daily Care option that provided preventive and wellness care, B. Hospitalization Buy-up that provides limited in-patient hospital care and C. SelectMed Metallic that provides daily care coverage, in-patient and out-patient care with pharmacy benefits combined into an affordable medical plan option.
  2. Who is eligible for these plans?
    EPIC members and their immediate family members are eligible for these plans and they are guaranteed acceptance plans.
  3. How do I enroll and pay for coverage?
    Select the Purchase Button from the Competitive Medical Benefits for Epic Members section and then EPIC members must pay for their individual plan via their own personal debit or credit card.
  4. How do I pay for coverage?
    Once enrolled in the product of your choice you will be prompted for a payment method. Follow the payment instructions.
  5. Can I include family members?
    Yes, immediate family members are eligible for coverage.
  6. When is coverage effective?
    Coverage is effective the first of the month following 30 days. For example, if you purchase and enroll on June 2 then coverage would be effective August 1
  7. Where are these plans available?
    These medical plans are available in all states except Alaska, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.
New Partner FAQs
  1. What is a Limited Partnership (LP)?
    A Limited Partnership is formed when two or more partners unite to conduct business in which partners are liable only up to the amount of their investment. In this case, since no money is being invested by the limited partners, there is no personal liability.
  2. What is the role of Enrollment First in the Limited Partnership Benefit Offering?
    Enrollment First provides benefits enrollment technology and services to America's Consumers & Affiliates, LP. Enrollment First does not have any ownership interest in the LP.
  3. What is the mission of the Limited Partnership?
    The Limited Partnership was formed to give consumers an opportunity to sell their online browsing data to third-party marketing firms. It is important to note that this data is aggregated and anonymized; None of the partners' personal demographic information will be stored or shared.
  4. Will any of my personal information be shared?
    No. All data generated by the partners who share data with the LP will be anonymized via a randomly assigned user code. No identifying or Demographic information will be known or stored by the app.
  5. By Joining the Limited Partnership, do I have any legal liability for the business or other partners?
    No. As a limited partner, you do not have any personal liability.
  6. Why do I need to join the Limited Partnership in order to purchase this product?
    These products are being offered by America's Consumer & Affiliates, LP to incentivize people to join the Limited Partnership and Contribute their anonymized data.
  7. How does the LP enrollment process work after I have shopped for Benefits?
    Client enrolls him/herself through a unique enrollment portal link.

    During the process, client checks a box that they understand: "In order to be eligible to access the America's Consumers & Affiliates Limited Partnership group health plans, you must 1) electronically sign the Limited Partnership Joinder Agreement; 2) download the Limited Partnership data tracking application and sign in using your partnership ID, which will be sent to you via email by OurDataMarketwithin 7 -10 days; and 3) commit to securely sharing your browsing data. The data collected is limited in scope and is completely anonymous. No personal information is stored in the app. For more information, please visit"

    Client receives e-sign documents to join the Limited Partnership from Enrollment First. When completed, this is followed by an email from the LP with a unique PIN and link do download the DataBankingap.

    To summarize, enrollee must sign the joinder agreement to finalize enrollment and download the app to become/remain an active partners to maintain their benefits.
Epic Trading
10120 S. Eastern Ave.
Henderson, NV 89052

2942 Foothill
La Cescenta, CA 91214

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